Friday, 25 February 2022


All Art, no matter how insufferable, matters. Art Credit: Aman Saxena.


I wonder why I won't let you go,

Why do I keep being with you just like a string with a bow?

What's that bond which binds me to you,

What makes me think that, perhaps, you feel it too?


Times, they are changing, you feel really stuck,

You still have memories, those you couldn't just chuck;

You go around with friends, none know how you feel,

You go about life, as if you were a part of some show reel.


It pains me to see you so, my love it just feels shaken,

To see you this way, to see that you'll eventually be taken :(

I just wish wherever you are, you find some happiness,

Some respite from the dreary madness.


As for me, I might just manage to be myself,

I don't know if that’s of any worth to you, or your future self;

I wish you always run back to me, to seek that love, that shelter within me,

I wish you too feel what you have always just seen in me.

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